Tooth Sensitivity

Dr. Roberta Ekman and Dr. Paul Dusek provide treatment for sensitive teeth in Grafton and Park River, North Dakota, to alleviate discomfort and improve your oral health. Our dentists will carefully examine your teeth and discuss your lifestyle factors to determine the cause of your tooth sensitivity and which types of treatments may have the best result for you. Call us today to make an appointment at Lifetime Dental and learn more!

Dental sensitivity occurs when the enamel protecting your teeth becomes thinner or when gum recession exposes your roots and underlying tooth structure. The underlying tooth structure, or dentin, is the part of the tooth that covers the nerves. It is softer than tooth enamel and contains a number of pores or “tubes” that run from the outside of the tooth to the nerves. These tubes can be stimulated by changes in temperature or certain foods, which cause you pain and discomfort.

If your teeth become sensitive or painful when exposed to hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and drinks, or when breathing in cold air, then you probably have sensitive teeth. Tooth sensitivity may be the result of one or more factors, including:

  • Bruxism (teeth grinding)

  • Overaggressive brushing

  • Cavities

  • Cracked teeth

  • Periodontal disease

  • Genetics

When you visit our office, our dentists will examine your mouth to determine the cause of your sensitivity and develop an appropriate treatment. There are several treatments that we may recommend depending on the cause of your sensitivity. These treatments include:

  • Fluoride treatment

  • Dental fillings

  • Deep dental cleanings

  • Dental bonding

  • Night guards

  • Using a special type of toothpaste to soothe and strengthen your teeth

  • Improving your oral hygiene routine and brushing gently

  • And more!

For more information about tooth sensitivity and to schedule a consultation with our caring dentists, please contact our office today.